Factory stores

You can find there wine glasses and tumblers, decanters, vases, candlesticks, and many other items. Our employees will gladly help you choose the right product for your purposes. All our products come directly from our factory and are replenished daily based on our needs.
You can also visit our e-shop www.24crystal.cz
Company store in Poděbrady – Cash & Carry – retail and wholesale
Wide range of lead crystal assortments for the best prices.
- 5 % for purchase over 2.000 CZK
- 10 % for purchase over 10.000 CZK
- 15% for purchase over 50.000 CZK
- 20 % for all drinking glass
Puškinova 520/1, 290 01 Poděbrady
shop-cac@crystal-bohemia.com+420 325 602 227, +420 601 308 761
Dear customers,
due to technical reasons, this store is closed until further notice. It is possible to use the second company store on the colonnade to make purchases.
Thank you for your understanding.
Company store in Poděbrady – retail
nám. T. G. Masaryka 1130, 290 01 Poděbrady
+420 325 611 618
Opening hours
Company store in Světlá nad Sázavou
Zámecká 730, 582 91 Světlá nad Sázavou
+420 569 477 322